
Anathamea On Earth

Out Now!

Hexes From Exes

Revenge comes in many forms. This time, it’s a smoking hot demon.

When a quintet of angry ex-boyfriends gathers to exact their revenge on Stephanie, they prepare a pentagram that summons Rick, a revenge demon they had no idea would appear.

Determined to ensure she feels the pain she’s caused them all, the exes task Rick with making Stephanie fall in love with someone she can’t have. But hexes, like love, can sometimes take a turn, and Rick soon discovers that Stephanie isn’t quite the monster her exes have made her out to be.

The magic-depleted demon realm thirsts for curses like these and the magic they bring, but even that doesn’t stop a love-scorched revenge demon from using his discretion in doling out Stephanie’s curse. Except Rick’s discretion may quickly transform into temptation. Or worse, a forbidden love that could threaten far more than just his home realm’s magical reserves.

Coming soon...


Cadet Julian is about as righteous a demon as they come.


In a realm where magic is the currency of life itself, newly minted enforcer demon Cadet Julian is determined to bring justice to the underground magic trade. And with his wife Myrah expecting to deliver their baby girl soon, Julian has his work cut out for him.

Struggling to keep pace with the criminal tide of magical heists, Julian’s hunt takes a horrific turn when his daughter’s life flashes before his eyes after he and Myrah run low on magic. A sliver of hope comes as Julian discovers that the thieves had been hiding in plain sight, paving the way for him to secure the extra magic he needs. But after an unexpected tragedy shatters his entire world, the ugly truth of the demon realm is laid bare. Now, Julian doesn’t only want justice. The demon within wants vengeance.

TW: child loss, infant death, spousal death, torture



Cass x Alice x Eric story


Excerpts from

After Earth

It’s hard to look back and pinpoint the exact moment that set the apocalypse into motion. People often think there’s one moment, one memory that you can focus on to blame the entire collapse of civilization on. In truth, it’s a series of random events that happen in quick succession to knock over the stack of cards. Take Chernobyl, for example.

In April of 1986 a safety test failure caused a catastrophic nuclear incident. Late at night a simulated station blackout power failure was performed, where the safety systems are intentionally shut off for testing. Uncontrolled reaction conditions occurred when reactor design flaws met with reactor operation failures, leading to water to flash into steam leading to a steam explosion and an open-air graphite fire. This created updrafts for nine days, which lofted plumes of fission products into the atmosphere.

To blame one particular part of the melt down is a mistake – it was a coordinate set of events, all within moments of each other which ultimately lead to a system failure and one of the largest nuclear power plant incidents in history. The final ramifications were not ultimately known, because within 100 years of this incident Earth as we know it was gone.

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In the distance the acid rain storm crackled and fizzled, sending electric sparks into the air. Tommy shuddered, wrapping his arms tighter around himself and pulling the thick hood further down over his head. If any of the overhead sentinels caught sight of them they’d be toast – royalty or not. It was forbidden to leave the safe zone, it was basically death to do so with an impending storm. Lily, of course, thought this was the perfect time to escape on one of her senseless missions for her older sister. “They won’t risk losing a sentinel in the storm, they’re too hard to make,” she reasoned. She wasn’t wrong, Tommy hadn’t seen a single one fly by in all the time they’d be outside the borders of the safe zone. He listened against the desert wind for the tell tale whine of the drone and heard nothing. Good, he thought, he didn’t need to explain to his parents what he was doing outside of the safe zone. They worried enough about him for hanging out with Lily and what that could mean for their family. They didn’t trust her – he didn’t blame them.

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“I’d literally rather die,” Antony said to his cousin Jerry, flopping down into a chair in the presidential suite. Jerry laughed. “I’m the melodramatic one, remember?” he responded, reaching into his pocket to pull out his comm device and send a quick message to one of his hundreds of conquests. He was always tapping away at the device, sending messages to one girl or another. “How’s Felicia?” Antony asked, more so to drag his cousin away from his comm screen than out of actual curiosity. The fact was Antony never liked any of Jerry’s girlfriends, he found them all boring. Beautiful, but dull.

“Who? Oh, Felicia. I don’t know, we don’t talk anymore,” he said, flipping the screen closed. He glanced up at Antony then, shrugging. “Back to the matter at hand, you’ll love Earth.”

“I doubt it. There’s a reason no one communicated with them for almost 200 years,” Anthony retorted. “Yeah, nuclear blackout,” Jerry said matter-of-factly. He hated inaccurate statements. “All I’m saying is I’ve heard they’re uncivilized. They still have a monarchy for star’s sake.”

“They also don’t have poverty, the underground scene is hella fun, and you can breathe real air! I’m telling you, Tony, you don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve tried it. Gravity is a little shitty at first, but once you get used to it it’s not so bad. I’ll show you a good time, promise.”

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